Swanbourne House pupils leave at the end of Year 8 to attend a variety of leading independent senior schools, and are consistently successful in securing their first choice.

Swanbourne House is a member of The Stowe Group. To find out more about the Stowe Group and admissions from Swanbourne to Stowe, please click here https://www.stowe.co.uk/school/the-stowe-group

Swanbourne House pupils leave at the end of Year 8 to attend a variety of leading independent senior schools and are consistently successful in securing their first choice. Heads and Registrars are consistently impressed by Swanbourne pupils, recognising the strong academic foundation and extensive co-curricular opportunities that shape our children.

Our Head Mr Holloway works closely with families to provide guidance in selecting the right senior school for every pupil.

Leavers’ Destinations 

Bradfield College

Brighton College

Bloxham School

Cheltenham Ladies’ College

Downe House School

Eton College


Harrow School

Malvern College



Radley College

Rugby School

St Edward’s School, Oxford

Stowe School

Taunton School

Uppingham School

Wellington College

Swanbourne House School is an independent day and boarding prep school in Buckinghamshire and is a feeder school to a number of senior schools including Stowe, Rugby, Eton, Oundle, Harrow, Bradfield, Bloxham, Tauton, Uppingham, Wellington, St Edwards, Gordonstoun, Cheltenham Ladies College. To arrange a private tour or visit one of our Open Mornings, click here

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