At Swanbourne House, we operate a highly effective Personal Tutor system to monitor, support and positively encourage the development of each individual child’s educational, social, emotional and physical well-being.
In addition to having a Form Tutor who deals with registration in class twice every day, each pupil at Swanbourne from the start of Year 5 has a Personal Tutor who, wherever possible, will remain with them throughout their time in both Middle and Upper School. Personal Tutors build close one-to-one relationships with the small group of six or seven children allocated to them and they take the lead in liaising over any academic or pastoral queries arising from the tutees themselves, their parents or other teachers in the school. The vertical nature of the system means that children aged 9-13 benefit from getting to know boys and girls outside of their year groups and sharing their experiences of life in school and beyond. Each Personal Tutor Group meets formally on a weekly basis, but Personal Tutors remain available for their tutees to have individual meetings whenever they need them during the school week.