Each teacher in the school caters for the individual needs of every child with careful, differentiated planning to help ensure children can access the Swanbourne House School curriculum effectively.
We work closely with parents and have a body of highly qualified and experienced teaching and support staff who provide a warm and nurturing environment. We aim to identify SEND early and work very hard to assess and meet children’s needs quickly and effectively.
Where children have been identified as having specific learning needs, their classroom tasks will be suitably set up taking into account their individual learning style. If a child has needs related to more specific areas of their education, such as literacy or numeracy, the child may be placed in a targeted intervention group run by a teacher, specialist learning support teacher or teaching assistant. The interventions are reviewed half termly to ascertain the effectiveness of the provision and to inform future planning.
When children are identified as having a specific learning need they are given an Individual Education Plan (IEP) with clearly identifiable SMART targets. These will be monitored by the class teacher and reviewed by the SENDCo each term. Individual Education Plans are discussed regularly with relevant teaching staff, parents and children.
The school takes its pastoral responsibilities in this area very seriously and we believe that the emotional and social well-being of pupils is a very important element of successful learning. The encouragement of an inclusive approach in every aspect of school life is central to our philosophy and ethos.