8s Visit to Hogwarts
The 8s had a magical day exploring the wonders of the Warner Bros. Studio tour ‘The Making of Harry Potter’. The children went on a VIP ‘behind the scenes’ tour and discovered a wonderful world of costume design, set construction and filming techniques.
In one session, pupils were fascinated to hear how costume designers make the garments look realistic and as if they had really been worn. The children were even able to have a go at designing their own costumes. The 8s were also lucky enough to see Harry Potter’s Jacket, Lord Voldermort’s Battle Gown, Hagrid’s Head and GIANT trousers (that could have easily housed multiple Swanbourne pupils!).
Heading up Diagon Alley they saw how sets are built and developed, whilst spotting the Harry Potter favourites; The Leaky Cauldron, Ollivanders and Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. As the Studio tour continued the pupils also saw the Forbidden Forest and Gringotts before seeing the incredibly intricate model of Hogwarts that was used to perfect certain shots whilst filming.