Blog - Staying Safe Online #2

Welcome to the second in our series on regular blogs on Staying Safe Online 

New resources from Childnet

Our friends at Childnet are releasing a series of free video resources for families looking at online safety. The videos are there to use at home with 6-9 year olds.

The first three videos are:

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What information do you keep safe online

What types of people do you meet and communicate with online

What you should and shouldn’t accept online


Each of these videos has:

  • simple, clear online safety advice specifically tailored for children aged 6-9 years old,
  • 10-15 minutes of fun activities, games and discussion points,
  • narration from an experienced member of the Childnet education team,
  • optional follow-up activities to extend children’s learning.


PlayStation is one of the most widely known games consoles in the world.

It can offer hours of entertainment for children who can soon find themselves immersed in the latest gaming release. But…

…how does it work?

…what features does it house?

…should parents have any safety concerns?

Find out What Parents Need To Know About Playstation Guide from National Online Safety.

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