BLOG Staying Safe Online #5

Welcome to our 5th Blog on staying safe online. This week we’re looking at Microsoft Teams and instagram.

Microsoft Teams 

Microsoft Teams has risen in popularity since lockdown measures were introduced. Many schools have adopted the platform to help with remote learning given the ability to chat, video call and host online meetings with as many people. But as with any video conferencing software or live streaming app, there can be a number of things to consider around security and privacy. Our friends at National Online Safety have created the guide What Parents Need To Know About Microsoft Teams to help you learn more about Teams.

Navigating Social Media Safely 

As more children find themselves at home and online learning, they seem to have more time to be online and interacting with their online worlds.  This week, we are drawing your attention to Instagram and how you can support your children to customise their account settings and keep them safe online.

This handy guide from Internet Matters talks about privacy tools and customising the Instagram experience:  Making Instragram Work For Your Child 

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