The Personal Tutor continues to be the child’s first point of contact as they move into the Upper School (Year 7 and Year 8), and entry into the uppermost section of the school opens up further opportunities in and out of the classroom.

11s pupils prepare for the top year of the school with specially designed leadership training courses. They are strongly encouraged to take on roles of responsibility in all aspects of school life and contribute more to the running of the House system. Experiences like their residential course in France helps promote independence, co-operation, teamwork and resilience. In Year 7 and Year 8 (and in exceptional cases in Year 6), outstanding contributions to, and success in, particular areas of school life are recognised through the awarding of half and full colours.

In Year 8, pupils enjoy a range of responsibilities and opportunities for leadership and all-round personal development. They all assume various roles from reading in Chapel/Church services, guiding prospective parents, organising House competitions and fundraising. Pupils are invited to apply for positions of responsibility, including Prefects, Senior Prefects, Vice-Captains of School and the most coveted role of School Captain; all of these pupils are expected to act consistently well as role models to younger children and ambassadors of the school.

As a year group they take part in a Geography residential study trip to Dorset. After their final exams they benefit from a bespoke Leavers’ Programme including career talks, masterclasses with professionals, the opportunity to work together on a year group drama performance and a week away on an outward-bound activities course.

As each child’s Swanbourne education draws to a close, relationships and fond memories which have been built over many years stay with them for life. Once a Swanbournian, always a Swanbournian!


Where Next?