The Maths curriculum at Swanbourne House aims to develop a curiosity of the unknown and a determination to solve problems through the exploration of different elements of mathematics and investigations.

The children develop a strong understanding of number and calculation as well as fractions, decimals, percentages, algebra, geometry, measure and statistics. We aim to build connections between different areas of Maths so that skills can be applied fluently. We encourage all students to lead the learning to make academic discoveries of their own; showing their knowledge and understanding through practical, conceptual and abstract representation.

Throughout the Maths curriculum at Swanbourne House, each strand of Maths is studied in detail over longer periods of time to allow pupils to have a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. Through innovative teaching and learning, students develop the skills of problem solving, fluency and reasoning. All children are encouraged to show workings and explain their understanding through verbal and written explanation.

ICT is an integral part of the Maths curriculum through the use of Apple products as well as online programmes and applications. We bring iPads into the lessons where the children are able to explore higher level Maths that goes beyond the classroom and allows students to take ownership of their education from home. We encourage the children to develop their ICT skills in the form of blogs and presentations that engage learners and develop vital communication skills. As students progress through the school, their use of ICT increases and they are able to use these tools to demonstrate high level mathematical skills that have been built from strong foundations in learning.

You can read the Calculation policy here.

Apple Distinguished Educator Programme

Mr James Toyer is Swanbourne’s Apple Distinguished Educator, a member of a global community of educational leaders recognised for their innovative use of Apple technology in, and out, of the classroom. As one of only 800 ADE’s in Europe, Swanbourne and its Maths Department are privileged to be part of a unique group of think-tank innovators who are redefining classroom learning.

“The role of ADEs is to work collaboratively to explore new ideas and walk new paths in education. We embrace emerging opportunities by working with Apple to bring the freshest, most innovative ideas to learners everywhere.”                                  Mr J Toyer, Maths Teacher


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